Mitigating Surface/Subsurface Damage Caused By Aggressive Machining Practices

One of the most critical reliability issues in aircraft engines and other subsystems is fatigue. The high stress and vibration in these systems can cause cracks that propagate once initiated. A primary contributor in crack initiation is the quality of the surfaces left behind from machining operations.

aggressive-machining-met-1During the manufacturing process, improper material feeds, speeds, or dulled tooling can leave high stress areas where cracks can initiate. These very small defects can result in distortion in the microstructure, which can lead to failure of the part or component, resulting in premature repair or replacement.

Metallurgical analysis reveals the condition and makeup of your materials with macro, micro and SEM examinations. These analyses reveal microstructure, processes performed on the material during manufacture and whether or not the materials meet the required specification(s) to ensure durability in the intended use.

Some of the defects include

  • Laps and tears
  • Grain distortion
  • White Layer
  • Strain Lines

aggressive-machining-samples-2Adjustments to feedstock speeds, as well as monitoring the cutting tool condition through the machining process will help mitigate the effects of aggressive machining practices, resulting in more reliable material characteristics.

IMR Test Labs has the ability to perform the high precision sample preparation needed to be able to resolve the subtle near surface distortion and damage characteristic of non-optimal machining conditions, as well as a number of highly trained and experienced metallographers in our New York and Singapore laboratories. This allows us to meet your schedule needs even on large programs.

Manufacturers of critical components such as disks, blisks, blades and shrouds rely on the skill and expertise of the team at IMR Test Labs. Click to find out more about our Aggressive Machining Analysis capabilities.